Sunday, February 5, 2017

20 Things I've Learned By Age 20

As I sit here and type this post, there are so many thoughts rushing through my head. I have "Check On It" by Beyoncé stuck in my head, ALL my bills are sadly due on the same day, and I'm at work which is coinciding with my SVU marathon. Now I don't know if this is just a "me" thing, or if everyone my age is like this, but everything, and when I say "everything" I mean EVERYTHING is the end of the world. Adulating is just hard man, and this is only the beginning. BUT me being me, I try to look at the bright side of every situation. "Check On It" is a fabulous song and Beyoncé ROCKS. Because all my bills are due on the same day, I wont have to pay bills again for at least 2 weeks. The money I'm making at work right now will pay for my bills in 2 weeks (that is if I don't spend it all on chicken nuggets) and luckily for me I'm recording the SVU marathon as I type. My life is constantly changing. My life changes quicker than I can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Knowing what I know now, my life could have probably gone a lot smoother. But for every change life has thrown me, I'm thankful for every lesson learned. Here are 20 of those lessons.

Don't take life so seriously right now. You'll have plenty of time to be serious when you're in your 40's, so for now just be Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school. And watch The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air :)

2. Not everyone is going to like you
And you're not going to like everyone. Its inevitable and it's okay. 

3. Go to the party
We are only in this stage of our lives for a few years, so even if the "party scene" isn't exactly you're scene, make the most of it. You only live once.

4. Skip the party
Your liver will thank you later.

5. The gossip doesn't stop
You'd be surprised how petty some middle aged men and women can be. Some people feed off gossip and drama as if they need it to survive. Get used to it, and don't feed into it.

6. Everyone grows at their own rate
Not everyone was raised the same way you were. You cant force someone to have the same mindset as you, people develop on their own.

7. The number of friends you have doesn't matter
Quality over quantity boo.

8. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, make your absence felt
Being the center of attention isn't always whats important. Don't announce your presence to make people notice you. Make them know what it feels like to be in your absence.

9. You are not your numbers
This includes your weight, your IQ level, your GPA, the number of people you have slept with, your age, your height, your salary, or the number of likes you have on Instagram. These things do not define you.

10. Become at peace with yourself
Once you do that, nothing can touch you

11. Water and Oil do not mix
...and they never will. Remember that the next time you try to force something.

12. Karma is real
It may take days, or it may take years, but I am a firm believer that karma always has its day. If you want good energy, live a good life

13. Smile at strangers
You have no idea the impact a simple smile can make on someones day

14. You don't know everything
And you never will. 

There is no debate

16. Unfortunetly, no amount of cardio will burn a bad diet
This hurts to even type

17. Don't be afraid to ask for help
The strongest people admit when they need help, the weakest people believe they can do it all on their own

18. Stop waiting for the perfect moment, make the moment perfect
There is no time like the present to make a change

19. It's okay to not have you life together
None of us have our life fully together yet, you're doing okay.

20. Don't rush to grow up
When I was little I had this overwhelming desire to skip my younger years and just be an adult. And I wish I hadn't done that because I look back on the moments that are now just memories and wish I could experience them all over again.

Xo~ Mandy

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