Sunday, September 10, 2017

What Does Happiness Mean To You?

Poets, philosophers, theologians, and not to mention almost every person in the world has thought about happiness. What is it? Can we define it?  It's no secret that different things make different people happy.  No matter one's creed, origin, or social standing, we are all taught that striving to be happy is a hugely important aspect of life.
With that being said, how does one actually obtain happiness? There seems to be no foolproof formula and the code of how to be happy and stay happy hasn't yet been deciphered.
We all know that one person, the one who's always joyous despite whatever curve balls life might throw at them. We also all know that other person who is miserable all the time, despite having all he or she could want in life (at face value).
This may be because happiness is largely, if not completely subjective. We decide what make us personally happy. What makes you happy will not necessarily make someone else happy. What makes the majority of a populous happy will undoubtedly produce an unhappy minority.
I wanted to see what other people thought of this abstract word, and possibly even an abstract feeling. So I asked: "What does happiness mean to you?" This is what I gathered:
To some, it's short, sweet, and to the point
“Being stress free”
-Derek, 26

“Life. If you don’t find something to be happy about everyday, life is pointless. Little things make you happy.”
-Hannah, 22

“Happiness comes from within, feeling happy on the inside. Also money.”
-Edgar, 22

“Being happy, having fun, being crazy”
-Derek, 27

“It’s a state of mind”
Jim, 57

“Happiness to me is being in a constant state of bliss and nostalgia without realizing it while it’s going on”
-Madison, 19

"Sunshine, the sound of waves, butterflies, the feeling you get in the bottom of your stomach right before you jump off a cliff, adrenaline, black coffee, puppies, environmentalists, British accents"
-Sean, 23

To some, it's a little more complex

"Happiness to me means I'm content...spiritually and mentally. Happiness is waking up and thanking God that he's given me another day of life. Happiness is something you hold on to, when you don't feel like you can make it or you're having a tough day."
-Carolyn, 25

“If I had to describe pure happiness it would probably be contentment. Not meaning that everything in your life is perfect but accepting the fact that it’s not. Looking past the imperfections and focusing on the good. Learning from your mistakes, and living each day like it’s your last because in the end you never know when it will be. Happiness is making every second of every day count.”
-Makaila, 21

“I think a lot makes up happiness for me. It’s when you can wake up and go to bed with a smile on your face. When you’re able to handle anything life throws at you positively. Happiness is loving yourself for all your good and bad qualities. Its being surrounded by people who love and adore you for you. Mostly being content with the life you lead. Knowing regrets are OK, they help make you who you are. I can’t explain it with few words, it’s more than just an emotion to me.”
-Melaney, 26

To some, it's food

“It’s a feeling you can’t define it! But if I had to put words into it it’s eating a warm donut right out of the fryer on a Sunday Morning”
-Haleigh, 21

"Seeing the waiter walk out with your plate of food"
-Brandon, 24

"Remembering you still have half a tub of ice cream in your freezer"
-Abby, 20

To some, its self acceptance

“Happiness to me means being able to enjoy the little things in life, to be independent &  just to not really care about what anyone thinks”
-Elizabeth, 16

“Happiness is something you are, and it comes from the way you think & being content with who you are and what you have going for you. If you feel as if you have a dark cloud above your head, you will have one.”
-Courtney, 23

To some, it's all about family

"My kids, my family."
-Bobby, 34

"My children"
-Christine, 42

"Taking care of my family" -Roger, 55

"Being content with what you're doing. At this stage of my life happiness is all about retaining family values, keeping the family together"
-Tony, 63

"Being surrounded by friends and family that love and cherish you"
-Monique, 42

"Being surrounded by people who you love that also love you. Family. Money means nothing if you don't have great people"
-Jarrett, 21

What is happiness to me? I mean, if you want to break it down to a science happiness is studied through psychology and is define as an emotional or mental state of well being which can be experienced by joy, positive emotions, and contentment. In today's world it's so easy to just place your happiness into materialistic objects... money, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. But to me, happiness is so much more than just a noun. It's not a definite concrete thing. We can't hold it. We can't see it. We can't smell, hear, or taste it. And it's not really something I feel can be explained or described. Its more something to be understood. Surviving. Fighting. Not caring so much what people think of you. Dancing around your room scream singing your favorite song. The people you surround yourself with. Taking a moment to look around and think "there is nothing more I want or need"

Xo~ Mandy

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