People come and go in and out of my life, but you, you have always been a constant. You are an inspiration for what friendship means and a role model for how people should treat the ones they love. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me even when I did not love myself. Thank you for making me laugh when all I could seem to do was cry. Thank you for accepting me even with all my faults. Thankyou for making my dream come true of finding people to laugh at my jokes. And thankyou for getting me through highschool in one piece. Each one of you completes me in a different way. I can't even begin to explain how much love I got for the squad.
Although sometimes we may go periods of time without seeing each other, I want you to never forget that I am always there for you just like you are for me. If you need someone to talk to at 2am, holla atcha girl.
More than anything, I want you to know I love you. You are the family I get to choose. You played a giant part of molding me into who I am today. And without each one of you, I wouldn't be me. So again, I thankyou with all the love in my heart on this Valentines Day for being the best Valentines a girl could ask for.
With muchas love,
Your over-sensitive, hyper-organized, emotional, and high maintenance best friend.
Xo~ Mandy
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