You need to be able to have an open mind about the way the world works. Not everything is going to go your way and you need to realize that and learn to be okay with it, because if not you're never going to be fully satisfied.
Be confident in who you are. Even if its about something so simple. If you always wear your hair down and your getting sick of it, throw it up for a change.Own that ponytail girl, work that up do! Whoever you are, you are AWESOME and don't let anyone ever tell you any different. Anyone who puts you down is just super jelly of you and your sparkle. And believe me, there is NOTHING worse than someone who is lime green jello and can't even admit it, so you're welcome you're already winning :)
You don't have to be the best at everything. Don't listen to Abby Lee Miller, second is NOT the first to lose. As long as you did the absolute best that you could do, you're already winning.
Be involved in society! I mean how are you supposed to find out that you actually love doing yoga if you don't take a class, am I right???? The best way to find out who you are, and what you like is to be involved!
BE LOUD AND BE PROUD. Go back and read that sentence again except this time scream in your head, unless you read it out loud then scream it out loud as loud as you can! Voice your opinions, let others know what you're thinking. No matter what anyone else tells you, you're opinion DOES matter!
Never give up on yourself. Not even for a second, not even for a half a second. Nobody should be able to change who you are except for yourself. But keep in mind you should also never change yourself for anybody. Change because you want to change, not because somebody wants you to change. If there is one thing in this world that is worth spending a lot of time on, its finding out who you are, and not giving up until you do. Don't get discouraged. As I've said before, nothing great in life comes easy, and nothing easy in life comes quick.
Xo~ Mandy