Have you ever really had a teacher? One that saw you as a raw but precious thing, a jewel that, with wisdom, could be polished to a proud shine? Lucky for me, I was fortunate enough to stumble across a rare precious gem. My high school Food and Nutrition teacher, Carolyn Gloster. Now I know what you're probably thinking, "Really, a foods teacher? Did she teach you healthy foods to eat?" Actually, yes she did, along with where to find healthier foods, how to make healthy foods a little more appetizing, and how to save money when purchasing your weekly grocery shopping list.
Aside from my foods class, she also taught another class held usually three times a week either in her classroom, or by the 500's hallway bathroom during her hallway duty. No grades, nor tests were given out, but you were expected to learn. Some physical tasks were asked to be done such as decorating the board outside her room every month, coloring the "pin the tail on the princess" paper for her daughter's birthday party, and helping to bake for various school events. You could also do dishes for extra credit.
Because there were no tests, there also was no final exam to be taken. But, you were expected to leave her class and proceed out into the world doing great things. One of these great things is this webpage.
This class had only one student, I was that student.
If you're familiar with the book "
Tuesdays With Morrie" by Mitch Albom, you're probably aware this sounds alot like it. Mitch's Morrie Schwartz is my Carolyn Gloster.

During your high school years you spend alot of your time trying to figure out exactly who you are, and what your purpose is. I don't think I would be the person I am today if she wasn't there to help guide me in the right direction. She taught me that not everyone you meet in life is going to love you, heck they might not even like you. You have to show them why you deserve their attention. She taught me to be myself because there is no other person like me, so I should embrace myself and my quirks. If you're lucky enough to find your way to teachers such as Carolyn Gloster, don't ever take them for granted because they may just be your ticket to finding out how amazing you can be.
"I just know you will do great things, even if they seem small now, they still matter to someone and that's what is so great!- Carolyn Gloster
Xo~ Mandy