I know that confidence is something that some people struggle with, believe me I'm right there with you. You're constantly comparing yourself to others, while also being criticized, knocked down, and having your imperfections pointed out. People will tell you "You have a weird nose" "Your hair is so greasy" "Your teeth are too crooked" You don't feel pretty enough, and you don't know what to do. I think the problem is because you are just so used to comparing yourself to others, and so used to being put down by others, you wake up in the morning, you look in the mirror, and you just start to agree with every insult that has been said to you. "I hate my nose" My hair is so greasy" "My teeth are too crooked" I would know because its happened to me, but the biggest thing that helped me get through it was confidence.
I think confidence is something that everyone should have. To me, confidence is being comfortable in your own skin. Who cares what others think of you, your opinion should be the only opinion that matters. You can't always rely on someone else to tell you that you're beautiful because there isn't always going to be someone there to tell you that, so you need to learn be able to rely on yourself and your opinion.
Confidence is a good thing, but you don't want to be over confident because then you're being conceited. Confidence is key, but be humble about it. Beauty doesn't only show on the outside, beauty also comes from within. An ugly personality makes for an ugly person regardless of their outer appearance.
I think the main reason people point out others imperfections is because they are jealous. I always say jealousy is other people insecurities. Obviously especially if someone doesn't like you, they are not going to want you to feel confident so they are going to point out any feature you have that they wish they had. So the next time you're being insulted just think in the back of your mind that this person is jealous of whatever they're insulting you about.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"- Dr. Suess
Xo~ Mandy